Wednesday, 6 July 2011


Let's think about all the times when we have cursed our being..our existence..
Many aren't they?
Its even easier to blame it on luck..fate..
But somewhere if we think about it..
Its all just a cycle..good days bad days happy days sad days..
Sometimes smiles stay a lil longer than expected and we wonder "how come?"
Sometimes tears stream down endlessly and we wonder "why me?"
If only..we would not get so overwhelmed by the best times and wait for them if worse days loom over head..if only..
If only..we could feel the strength and power in us..that we can have over our thoughts emotions and actions..if only..
A day gone, a moment gone, a person gone, a treasure gone...
But for how long!?
A new day came, a new moment happened, a new person entered, a new treasure discovered...
But what really disturbs the transition between the two..
And just if we get through that with our head alive..and courage infinite..
We have won the battle.

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